HD1080i De-mystify HDTV 1080i ::: know why before you buy

Thursday, August 23, 2007


we had to wait for August 22d, after the CD is released.
Ok so it isnt really great HD quality, the audio kind of blown out and its a very edgy edit of live stuff ( my style for such stuff is to feel raw with it ) , so with caveats galore,

DOWNLOAD a 90 meg 720p VC-1 file

of "Van Nuys" Live by SIXX AM Live at Crash Mansion in downtown Los Angeles

If you click the picture it may launch the windows media player and attempt to stream. If you are able to get a stream from this, then add comment & tell me - i have a beta testing position for you in a very cool new thing. ( comments for this post will not be publicly posted, so its ok to leave your email and contact info, thanks )

The bottom end ( subwoofer ) was 10,000 watts and shook both the camera and my eyeballs. The lead singer is James Michael and such a versatile live performance should get credit, (SIXX:A.M.) new band worth following. I was house photo/video for this show & made friends with the band, they are donating 25% of proceeds of a book to Covenant House in LA for runaway kids. Nikki Sixx and Pearl Aday ( meatloaf's daughter ) are featured. They are good people regardless of your opinion of Motley Crue. I save this for documentary reasons since it was the very first song on this stage in a production performance. A virgin moment for Crash Mansion LA

REDUX: thanks to all that know me and asked for a true 1080p VC-1 of this video. I will render it out 1080p 6 mbit vc-1 and send you link by email. The news here is that SIXX AM will not tour this CD, so this footage may well be the only performance video there is. I was hoping they would do at least a small tour so i could multi-camera shoot this properly, but alas, this is not to be.

( Again- thanks to all who renewed my faith in the value of pixel-for-pixel 1080p by contacting me on that. I do very much appreciate that you are out there and care. )

You can read the entire article on the Press Event this came from at National Writers Syndicate.


MTV Senior Exec Peter Baron - Billboard Mag editor Tamara Conniff - NIKKI SIXX - Jim Richards, Clearchannel Rock Programming ( photo by Jeff )
The Nikki SIXX , SIXX AM event was in support of Covenant House / Running Wild in the Night, a benefit for runaway teenagers in greater Los Angeles & the video was for Crash Mansion LA and benefactors to that cause. On that note, another edgy edit of a song from that event.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Thank you for posting the two songs in HD. If you have the rest of the show, may you please upload it somewhere? It was a one of a kind concert, sad that I couldn't be there (I live in Europe).
Thank you in advance!

1:54 PM  

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